Among The Sleep: My Impressions
I am a toddler. The first thing that I see is my mom giving me a piece of cake. I think it’s my birthday. I count the candles on the cake, I am 2 years old. Mom goes away for a while leaving me at the table and then returns with a boxed gift. She picks me up and takes me to my room along with my gift. She wants to show me the present but something distracts her; I can’t figure out what it is…she leaves, placing the box on a night stand and putting me in my crib.
Among The Sleep: My Impressions
I sit alone for a while and then I notice that the box starts to shake. I hear laughter… I am scared. I lose my focus on the box for one second and I hear it spill and footsteps running across the floor. I hear a laughter again. I have to go out of my crib and find out what makes those sounds. I can’t walk, I can only crawl. I am 2 years old. I managed to get out of my crib. I hear the laughter again, coming from the toy chest. I can feel my little heart pounding. I approach the chest and open it and inside I see….a cute lovely plush teddy bear who wants to play with me. I show him my toys and we play together for a while. Mom returns and puts me to bed. My eyes feel sleepy. I fall asleep.
I hear a noise. It is the middle of the night. I try to open my eyes, but they are heavy. I see my teddy next to me. I begin to fall back to sleep. The teddy moved a little. Something drags him slowly. I close my eyes again. When they open the teddy is gone and my crib is moving. Something is dragging me. I am awake and scared now. Something is pushing the crib over. It is very dark and I am very scared. The door to my room is open and I see a dim light coming from the corridor. I need my teddy. I am scared. I start moving towards the light…
Among The Sleep: My Impressions
This is what you will feel as you play this game. I can’t really describe the experience but what I can tell you is that it’s a horror platformer-puzzle type of game. Your fastest type of movement is crawling. You can also stand up but if you try to run you will stumble and fall after taking a few steps. You also carry a teddy bear which you can hug to scare away the darkness. The gameplay is very simplistic and most of the time you will just walk around and solve simple puzzles. This indie game is about experience and being a part of one so the gameplay aspect retreats to the back while the story and atmosphere come to the front.
Among The Sleep: My Impressions
The story is simple but interesting enough whit a twist at the end. As for the atmosphere this game has plenty of that but as a horror game, this experience mostly misses its mark. Don’t get me wrong, you can be scared if you want to; there are plenty of scary effects. But that’s all they are, just scary effects. For the most part you don’t feel like you are in any real danger. I felt like I was being a part of a roller coaster, I liked what I saw but I couldn’t really interact with it. Like most indie games this one is short but honestly, time on this doesn’t really matter as you mostly watch a story unfold and because of that it is neither long nor short. It stays just enough for its story to be told. No more, no less.
Among The Sleep: My Impressions
I simply can’t review this game because from a gameplay perspective there isn’t much in here. But I also cannot ignore the “experience” aspect of it and I can tell you it was a twisted ride; not as fulfilling as I would have hoped but a strange experience it was. If you find yourself interested then give a try. If not, well then….when was the last time you checked your closet for monsters?